I made the video above to show some basic cardboard building techniques.  These are techniques I use with the architecture project (below) but also with other projects.  I intend these shapes as a practice assignment.  Once they have made all of them they can move on to something more complex.

This video goes along with my 7th grade architecture project.  It demonstrates the construction phase of the project, although there are research and design phases that come before this.  You can see examples of my student's finished projects in my "Student Work" section.

Drawing Instruction Videos

Below are videos I created to help support my drawing lessons.  I make these videos available to my students primarily through Edmodo.com.  When ever possible I allow my students to utilize these videos for extra help at home or in the classroom.

This last video is not something I use for teaching.  It documents my figure drawing teaching strategies with 6th graders.  You may find it cut up awkwardly since I can't allow the students to appear in the video.

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